Green Chop’s: Healthy Options

Stay healthy on the go without breaking the bank. For food that’s quick, easy, healthy and delicious, eat at Green Chop’s in Montclair.

Green Chop’s: Healthy Options

Maintain a healthy, hectic lifestyle at Green Chop’s! Healthy eating on the go seems like the unsolved riddle of the ages. At lunchtime, you want to grab the first thing you find to quell the pangs of hunger. You probably know you’ll regret your choices in twenty minutes, but you are so hungry and pressed […]

Local Produce: Farmer’s Market

A fresh start to a healthy summer includes avoiding supermarket prices and preservatives and purchasing locally grown produce at Montclair Farmer’s Market.

Local Produce: Farmer’s Market

Stay Healthy This Summer With Locally Grown Produce. Shopping at the Montclair Farmer’s Market will help you achieve your summer health goals! One of the easy ways that can help with maintaining your health is choosing the right fruits for your snack of choice. Snacking is always a good idea – when done properly. Avoid […]