Tiny Elephant Complements Montclair

The Tiny Elephant cafe in Watchung Plaza has become a brunch staple of Montclair’s proud cafe tradition.

Tiny Elephant Complements Montclair

Brunch at The Tiny Elephant. Over the last couple of years, Montclair’s cafe culture has started booming. One of the more popular additions to the town has been the Tiny Elephant, a cozy little cafe nestled in the bustling and ever-changing Watchung Plaza. For any restaurant, holding your own in upper Montclair’s main eating area […]

Raymond’s Alluring Restaurant

If you're wandering through the enticing Church Street and your stomach starts to growl, make your way to Raymond's Restaurant.

Raymond’s Alluring Restaurant

Raymond’s Restaurant brings excellence to your table, regardless of what you order! Raymond’s Restaurant serves breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and dessert. The Montclair branch has indoor and outdoor seating, in which they have an enormous patio umbrella, perfect for shade. The employees are generous, friendly and eager to cater to your specific needs. The scenery inside […]