Screen D’Or Pictures Does It All

‘Knights of New Jersey’ from Screen D’Or Pictures represents Montclair in film festivals across the country, from Seattle to Miami.

Screen D’Or Pictures Does It All

Screen D’Or Pictures reels in fans for ‘Knights of New Jersey.’ The Montclair-based video production business Screen D’Or Pictures, known for working on everything from entertaining videos to emotional documentaries, recently expanded into online entertainment. Their new comedy web series Knights of New Jersey follows a group of Renaissance Faire obsessed friends. In episode one, […]

Montclair Community Pre-K: A Safe and Fun Environment

The Montclair Community Pre-K gives all children from any background the opportunity to learn and grow academically with a fun, safe and natural experience.

Montclair Community Pre-K: A Safe and Fun Environment

At the Montclair Community Pre-K every child is welcomed! The Montclair Community Pre-K is a non-profit preschool, located at 49 Orange Road. Run by Executive Director, Stephanie Fitzgerald, the Montclair Community Pre-K was founded 20 years ago, and since then, the school has never turned anyone way for a disability or an inability to pay, […]