90 kids with special needs enjoyed a day of surfing, sun and tacos at Asbury Park, courtesy of the Best Day Foundation’s New Jersey Chapter. 90 kids with special needs and their families joined 300 volunteers at the 8th Avenue Beach in Asbury Park, New Jersey on Saturday July 22nd and Sunday July 23rd […]
A trip to Tacoria does not just result in food – it results in experience. Montclair is lucky enough to have one open right in the middle of town! My first trip to Tacoria was in New Brunswick, as a student at Rutgers. The first thing that struck me about the restaurant was how visually […]
On July 17, 2017 the carriage house at The George Inn was moved on wheels from behind the Inn to Claremont Avenue. This video is created from 16,000 HD still images and was created by The Montclair Dispatch photo editing department. To see the video, click here. To subscribe to The Montclair […]
Below are more historic images of Montclair, along with present-day images by Montclair High School senior, and Montclair Dispatch intern, Kaela Anderson. The following photos, in order, are: the firehouse in Upper Montclair, and The Montclair Police Department. [image-comparator left=”http://montclairdispatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/20170528-IMG_5299-1.jpg” right=”http://montclairdispatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/20170528-P3213-0001-1.jpg” width=”100%” classes=”hover”][/image-comparator] [image-comparator left=”http://montclairdispatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/20170528-IMG_5277.jpg” right=”http://montclairdispatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/20170528-P8177-0001.jpg” width=”100%” classes=”hover”] To subscribe to The Montclair Dispatch, […]
Montclair’s Food and Wine Festival 2017 featured the very best that New Jersey has to offer. On July 15th, the Wellmont Theater in Montclair was transformed into an eloquent dining hall for the Bourbon and Biergarten celebration of Montclair’s Food and Wine Festival. The event displayed the finest restaurants and beverage companies from around the […]
Jack Tabibian, owner of Jack’s Seafood Shack, is excited to bring his restaurant to Montclair and be a part of the community. In a town that values authenticity, Jack’s Seafood Shack is a welcome addition to the many restaurants in Montclair. First created in Edgewater 3 years ago, the oceanic food vendors have now opened […]
JoAnn Short, CEO of Montclair’s YMCA permitted to resign after taking home $1.5 million dollars in compensation while leaving the YMCA $8,659,028 in debts still standing*. Short finally reached the end of her rope with Montclair. The nearly 7-year reign for JoAnn Short as CEO of the Montclair YMCA has finally come to an […]
Montclair’s newest children’s footwear store is celebrating its grand opening on Saturday, July 15th. Sweet Soles is owned by Montclair-native Christina Papasso, who will be hosting this grand opening from 11-3PM at the store, located at 255 Bellevue Avenue, Montclair. This celebration will include face-painting, balloon-making, an ice cream truck (from 11:30-12:30PM), food, music, […]
Montclair High School senior Kaela Anderson interns at The Montclair Dispatch for her four-week internship. MHS senior Kaela Anderson interned at The Montclair Dispatch for the Career Internship Program. Anderson was assigned the task of searching for historic photos of the town of Montclair, which she looked for at the Montclair Public Library. After […]
Montclair’s Paul Zimmerman rode his Segway through Wolfeboro’s parade as Smokey Bear to remind campers to put out their campfires. Montclair resident Paul Zimmerman, owner of Zimmerman Realty Co, took to The Town of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire to be a part of the annual Fourth of July parade. This parade has approximately 17,000 attendees. […]