As Tensions Rise in the United States and Beyond, Thousands in Montclair Urge that Black Lives Matter

On May 25th, an unarmed Black man named George Floyd was killed at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department, igniting protests across the country, and around the world, calling for justice and amplifying the message that Black Lives Matter.

As Tensions Rise in the United States and Beyond, Thousands in Montclair Urge that Black Lives Matter

On May 25th, an unarmed Black man named George Floyd was killed at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department, igniting protests across the country, and around the world, calling for justice and amplifying the message that Black Lives Matter.  These weeks of protests also come after the March 13th killing of Breonna Taylor, an […]

Montclair’s MFEE – Showdown ’18 Exceeds All Expectations! “Encore! Encore!”

Montclair’s MFEE – Showdown ’18 Exceeds All Expectations! “Encore! Encore!”

Showdown 2018 turned out to be the surprise hit of the season, exceeding attendance projections and leaving the audience, entrants and sponsors calling for more. Photos Provided by Tony Turner and Wil Young. The Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence, MFEE, and it’s seasoned Executive Director, Masiel Rodriquez-Vars have once again reimagined the fundraiser successfully, rounding […]