Tiny Elephant Complements Montclair

The Tiny Elephant cafe in Watchung Plaza has become a brunch staple of Montclair’s proud cafe tradition.

Tiny Elephant Complements Montclair

Brunch at The Tiny Elephant. Over the last couple of years, Montclair’s cafe culture has started booming. One of the more popular additions to the town has been the Tiny Elephant, a cozy little cafe nestled in the bustling and ever-changing Watchung Plaza. For any restaurant, holding your own in upper Montclair’s main eating area […]

Tiny Elephant Makes An Appearance

Tiny Elephant will branch off of Watchung Booksellers, and is sure to be a hit with the early-afternoon rush looking for a cozy cafe to relax in.

Tiny Elephant Makes An Appearance

Tiny Elephant will be a big cafe in Montclair! Tiny Elephant offers a place to have your cake, and read too! Have a party with food, music and giveaways, not to mention great company, which is free! This Friday, June 6, head over to 54 Fairfield Street for the new expansion of Watchung Booksellers: Tiny […]