EpVets Designed for Individuality

EpVets, a non-profit organization, aims to not only provide a helping hand to veterans, but primarily those who face traumatic brain injuries.

EpVets Designed for Individuality

EpVets ensures that veterans are not alone. After 9/11, traumatic brain injury has become known as the signature wound for a plethora of soldiers, sailors and airmen. They have suffered lifelong consequences such as epilepsy and other seizure conditions. Executive Director of EpVets, Andrew Epstein, felt that the Veteran Affairs were “unable to meet the demands” of many […]

Memorial Day: The History

Special guests including the U.S. Secretary of State celebrate Memorial Day in Montclair. Read on for the holiday's history and our community's tribute.

Memorial Day: The History

Join the Montclair community at Edgemont Memorial Park on for Memorial Day. Monday, May 25 is Memorial Day. In honor of, we’ve decided to revisit the history of the holiday and how it came to be. The annual event, which now is celebrated with barbeques and trips to the Jersey shore, began way back in 1866 […]