Tandem Terrors Have a Powerful Duo

Creativity Caravan takes out their tandem from out the garage to sign up as Tandem Terrors in the 2017 MFEE Amazing Fundracer: The Sequel.

Tandem Terrors is fueled with creativity! 

tandem terrors
Photo courtesy of Tandem Terrors.

Owners of Creativity Caravan, Maya Stein and Amy Tingle, have signed up as Tandem Terrors in this year’s Amazing Fundracer: the Sequel. Since this will be their first time participating in this event, do not be fooled by their smiles as they have a fierce drive to collaborate and bring a special spark to the race!

The duo would of signed up last year, but were preparing to leave on their Tiny Book Show cross-country tour and just couldn’t squeeze it in. Now that the opportunity has presented itself, their tandem, Sally Ride, is ready to come out of the garage and could use a good workout.
Although Tandem Terrors does not live in Montclair, that doesn’t stop them from supporting the great cause of the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence.
“Public schools deserve any and all help that all of us can give them, especially in this political climate. In the past we have taught electives and brought our miniature books and creative writing programming into Montclair schools. We’d like to do more of that and the MFEE helps people like us bring our time and talents to the students. We appreciate that and so we’d love to give back. This seems like a fun way to do it!” said Tandem Terrors. 
As their small business is located in the downtown center of Montclair, they believe that they benefit from their proximity to other terrific Montclair businesses. They spend a large amount of time frequenting our neighbors for meals or coffee or products and it’s important to them to be a part of such a dynamic, collaborative experience. They’re extremely proud to have their first brick and mortar in Montclair.
Tandem Terrors would like MFEE to consider implementing more creativity in schools and public collaborative art, ways for the various disciplines to work together. Maya Stein mentioned that the president of her son’s college recently said, “today’s students are the authors of the culture of our times.” The future generation will have a very important job helping us piece the broken divided society back together, and thinking creatively outside the box is great preparation for that. 
When asked how the powerful pair will prepare for the race, they commented, “Preparing?? Are we supposed to prepare? Uh-oh. We’re expecting to win, of course . . . without preparing. Just kidding!” Be sure to purchase your tickets now to see how well Tandem Terrors will do!
To read more about the Creativity Caravan, please visit the Montclair Dispatch.

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