Open Mic: Behind The Scenes

An open mic night might look like a simple feature, but there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. Find out what the details are!

Open Mic: Behind The Scenes

Learn the ins and outs of an open mic night. What is it like to work an open mic? How long does an open mic last on any given night? Who is responsible for setting up? What is involved during an open mic set-up? What genres of music are performed during an open mic? Who […]

Bruce Tyler of Arts Advisory Committee

Local resident and musician, Bruce Tyler, will serve on the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee on music-related events for two years.

Bruce Tyler of Arts Advisory Committee

Bruce Tyler will advise the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee on music-related events in Montclair. Bruce Tyler, local resident and musician, has been appointed to the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee for two years. His education lies in his Associate’s degree from Essex County College and a Bachelor of Arts from Montclair State University. Tyler has had […]

Pathmark Interview with Ellen Mikel

With the recent closing of Pathmark, former employee, Ellen Mikel, shares her thoughts and feelings through an interview.

Pathmark Interview with Ellen Mikel

Ellen Mikel shares her side of the story of Pathmark closing. Over the years of shopping at the Pathmark in Montclair, I have noticed the change since the A&P took over ownership of the Pathmark some years ago. One of the things that stuck out was the lesser quality of some of the items. For […]

Elaine Molinaro of Arts Advisory Committee

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee welcomes new members to its board such as Elaine Molinaro

Elaine Molinaro of Arts Advisory Committee

Elaine Molinaro is the Arts Advisory Committee Chair. Elaine Molinaro, Sara Brady, Ian Finnell, Anonda Bell, Jim Price, Kathryn Osborne and Bruce Tyler were officially appointed to the newly formed Arts Advisory Committee for the Township of Montclair. The first five committee members were appointed on Oct. 13, 2015, with the remaining two being appointed at […]

Pathmark Plans

Rumors are circulating about the fate of the Pathmark of Montclair, and residents are wondering who will take over that space.

Pathmark Plans

Searching for the new Pathmark tenant. The mystery of who will be the next tenant to take over the space that is presently occupied by the Pathmark still remains up in the air, at least as far as the general public knows. One thing is for sure, there will be a whole lot of people […]

DLV Lounge: Music for All

The DLV Lounge has had some major updates recently, continuing to be a great asset to the Montclair music scene as it becomes a cultural icon.

DLV Lounge: Music for All

Montclair’s Hidden Gem is the DLV Lounge. The DLV Lounge has undergone several changes recently, and Montclair residents are encouraged to check out these great updates themselves! The façade of the building received a new paint job, a new front door, a new men’s room floor, a new wall on the stairs leading to the […]

Arts Advisory Committee

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee unanimously passed a resolution at their informal meeting begin the selection process for committee members.

Arts Advisory Committee

Montclair Arts Advisory Committee passes resolution. The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee has begun the selection process of committee members. An informal meeting was held on Sept. 14 to put out some ideas and possible goals to see what can initially be done to get the ball rolling. Those in attendance were Sara Brady, Ian Finnell, Elaine […]

Drinks with Protein and Nutrition

If you're constantly on the go, there are some great options of health drinks that can boost your metabolism and keep you from crashing.

Drinks with Protein and Nutrition

Health drinks add vitamins to your diet. Working musicians lead very busy and hectic schedules, and there are times when eating a proper meal can go by the wayside. Being a drummer myself, I know the scenario all too well. We musicians sometimes eat a lot of junk foods for a quick pick me up. […]

Music Series, Pt. IV

If you've been keeping up with the Music Series, please continue to read the final wrap up of the incident at the Bellevue Public Library.

Music Series, Pt. IV

Music Series incident wrap up. As I present the final part of this report, I truly hope that this never happens again, but in a world of uncertainty, you just never know. The officer herself admitted that she didn’t think the music was too invasive, and was actually kind of enjoying it. She said she […]

Violence: Monday Night Music, Pt. III

Read below for a continued report of the violence at the Music Monday series and how the situation is being resolved. It something we should all be aware of.

Violence: Monday Night Music, Pt. III

New information regarding violence at Music Monday. As I present part three of this incident report from the Music Monday series, I am reminded about how many situations like this that I’ve come across during my years as a performer and nightclub manager. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that this sort of […]

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