Donation of $20M Anonymously Given to MSU

MSU has received an anonymous gift in the amount of $20 million. The donation is expected to be put to use by the School of Business.

MSU’s School of Business receives a hugely generous donation.

Business trio
© Dmitriy Shironosov | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Montclair State University (MSU) has received an anonymous $20 million donation to its School of Business. The generous donation was made known to the public on July 8, 2015, and goes down as the largest donation the university has received in all its 107 years as an institution.

In the university’s latest press release MSU President Susan A. Cole says, “Montclair State is both grateful and honored to receive this extraordinary gift and the recognition that comes with it of the quality of education that this University has made available to the people of New Jersey.”

The university has been undergoing a major facelift in recent years. One upgrade being a brand new state-of-the-art, $66 million School of Business facility. The 143,000 square foot building is scheduled to open to students at the start of the fall 2015 semester. The building is complete with a financial trading floor, computer and research labs, and large lecture halls seating more than 100 students comfortably.

The School of Business has also been appointed a new dean, Dr. Greg Cant. In regards to the anonymous donation, Cant says, “This historic gift provides us with an extra level of support to continue developing and expanding our high demand programs in Entrepreneurship, Accounting, and Sports Events and Tourism Marketing, and our innovative new programs in Business Analytics, Forensic Accounting and Real Estate.” Cant also is determined to engage students in career-based learning opportunities and experiences, “We can also sharpen our focus on dynamic partnerships with leading national companies, such as KPMG and Enterprise, which provide hands-on learning and career opportunities for our students.”

As a senior at Montclair State and one of the 2,500 students studying within the School of Business, the new facilities as well as the $20 million dollar donation bring enormous excitement as I work to conclude my studies at New Jersey’s second largest public university, with over 20,000 students currently enrolled (second to Rutgers, 66,000). As the school has already worked to provide students with highly equipped technology and work environments, it is no doubt that MSU and the School of Business will put the large gift to good use in an effort to benefit students. Cole says, “At a time when governmental funding for public higher education institutions continues to decline, we are especially grateful for the substantial support of donors who believe in our commitment to meeting the expanding educational needs of the State.”

Students of Montclair State University certainly have much to look forward to not only in the coming fall but for years to come, as MSU has exceptional plans in store to significantly improve students capabilities and the campus.

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