Fusion Montclair is beyond average in the academic realm.

Fusion Montclair is a new school that’s coming to the great town of Montclair. It is a non-traditional educational option due to the 1 – 1 teaching model (one teacher per student), no homework policy, and both students and parents can establish a schedule that best fits their needs.
Lauren Stickle, originally of Vernon, NJ, graduated from Centenary University with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a concentration in Environmental Science. Stickle started out as a biology teacher at Fusion Academy Morristown back in 2014, where she first witnessed the emotional, social and academic growth of her students through the school. She quickly assumed the role of math and science department head, where she oversaw the curriculum and helped with campus support. In August 2015, Stickle was promoted to the school’s assistant director position. In that role, she built personal relationships with parents, who admired who sought out Fusion as an educational option with a keen focus on their individual child.
“I believe that to teach a student, you have to know them first and Fusion really fosters that kind of familiar environment,” said Stickle. “I’m humbled to have the opportunity to get to know parents and students for whom the traditional school model simply isn’t working.”
Stickle hopes to help students who could utilize the beneficial resources that the accredited private school, Fusion Montclair can offer. They aim to develop strong relationships with local schools and other professional, who enjoy working with adolescents.
“We are hoping to be part of the Montclair community and a place where families feel comfortable going if traditional school isn’t working or they just need something different,” said Stickle.
The “no homework policy,” simply means that homework is completed on campus in one of our homework cafes. The homework cafe is a wonderful place on campus for students to complete their assignments and is always staffed with the Director of Homework Cafe and/or Homework cafe teacher. This specific teacher, assists any students who need it as well as ensure that the environment is conducive to learning.
“We believe that doing this independent work on campus, where they have access to multiple resources, including their teachers, that this model ensures that homework is meaningful and is supporting students’ academic growth. Additionally, having homework facilitated on campus during the school day allows the teacher to have immediate feedback in terms of the value and impact of the assignment, ensuring that teachers can modify current and future assignments so that they are meeting the academic outcomes that are intended to support. Finally, it takes the struggle of homework out of the home and allows students to engage in the activities that they enjoy and spend quality time with their families once their school day has ended,” said Stickle.

Fusion Montclair understands that every student has individual needs. Some students may need or desire to start classes later because it takes them longer to get moving in the morning, while other students may have jam packed extracurricular activities they need to attend at a specific time.
“At Fusion, we can schedule students with different start times throughout the day. For one student 7:30 may be the perfect time to start, while a different student may need a 10:30 start time. This allows students to have a say in their schedule and pick a time that works best for them and their individual needs,” said Stickle.
Fusion Academy operates 39 other campuses in the United States, including three additional campuses in New Jersey such as Englewood, Morristown and Princeton. The academy will be hiring staff to meet the demands of their enrollment. There is not a set cap in terms of enrollment as it relates to hiring. The academy will serve students from the 6th grade to 12th grade for full-time and part-time enrollment, as well as courses for credit. A younger student would be able to take tutoring and mentoring services at Fusion Academy, but not courses for credit.
To enroll your child at Fusion today, or for more information, visit FusionMontclair.com.
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