Montclair gears up for the holiday season.

Coming up next week, Montclair Township will have its annual holiday tree lighting on Friday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. in the Church Street Plaza. There will also be music by the Montclair Community Band; residents are reminded that due to this event, Church Street will be closed to vehicular traffic at 5 p.m.
Additionally, on Saturday, Dec. 6, Santa himself will visit the business districts on a Montclair Fire Department fire truck and will have gifts for children. Santa will be at the South End Business District (Orange Road and Cedar Avenue) at 11 a.m., Walnut Street Lot at 11:30 a.m., Watchung Plaza at noon and St. James Church (Bellevue Avenue and Valley Road) at 12:30 p.m.
The Montclair Community Band will also play at each stop. The Montclair Comunity Band performs about five concerts each year, including the summer concerts at the Montclair High School. All Community Band concerts are free of charge to the public.
Throughout the season, children in the community can also mail a letter to Santa and receive a personalized letter in return. Letters can be mailed to Santa Claus at 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair, N.J., 07042. Residents can also bring letters to the Montclair Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs. Residents are reminded to include a return address and that all letters are due by Dec. 12.
Additionally, if you want to spread a little holiday cheer, be sure to help out the Montclair Township Animal Shelter and participate in their Home Fur the Holidays Program by adopting a cat! You can meet some of the shelter’s cats at the Petco store in West Orange from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 28, Dec. 6, Dec. 13 and Dec. 20.
If you cannot attend the adoption event at Petco, visit the Montclair Animal Shelter at 77 North Willow Street or contact the shelter at 973-744-8600.
If you want to get involved but don’t want to adopt a cat, get involved with the Montclair Fire Department’s Toys for Tots drive. The drive will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Montclair Fire Headquarters located at 1 Pine Street in Montclair. Toys for Tots participants are asked to bring one unwrapped gift or a $10 donation.
Get involved with your community this winter and help spread a little holiday cheer!
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