Intrepid Gym in Montclair

Intrepid Gym heads to Montclair, blessing fitness enthusiasts with a facility that fit all of your needs.

Get fit with Intrepid!

intrepid revolution
Photo courtesy of Rock Tate.

Whether you are new to working out or are an avid athlete, Intrepid Gym – located at 312 Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair – focuses on gearing their workouts towards anyone that wants to step in the door, and tailoring it to fit your specific skill set.

Coming from someone who isn’t “spicy” with her workouts, I was left extremely impressed and feeling stronger (and more sore) than ever after co-owner, Rock Tate, give me a small taste of what they’re all about.

Adam Kant, who opened Intrepid Gym’s first location in Hoboken, N.J. about four years ago, recently partnered up with long time friend, Rock Tate, to open up a state of the art training facility, as well as a premiere indoor spin studio as it’s second location.

The 6100 square. foot gym includes 40 yards of turf down the middle, allowing you to get your running in all year round, as well as collegiate power racks in the back for squat, bench, deadlifts and Olympic lifting movements. They’ve also included plyo boxes, wall balls, free weights and a pull up rack which can hold up to 15 people per class. Intrepid Gym also has fun tools like the prowler, or “the sled” that I had the pleasure of trying.

Intrepid Gym offers a countless variety of high intensity workouts, targeting specific body parts and skillsets. “The ‘hit’ workouts are primarily what we do the most of, so 80% of the schedule is made up of those,” said Tate. “We also have boot camp classes which use light weight and body weight movements. There is also plyometric and calisthenics circuit training, coached by Lou Barletta, who just kills the workouts, having 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off, fitting in seven or eight workouts. We also have Sam, the other coach who does classes in the mornings. That schedule is 5:45 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. There is also a reservation-only 9:30 a.m. class, and then from 4:45 on through the afternoon we have classes every 45 minutes. We even offer sports specific training, primarily guided towards young high schoolers trying to get into college, or freshman trying to play varsity.”

Tate, who started playing sports as young as five years old, including football, basketball and lacrosse through college, didn’t always plan on opening up his own gym. “Throughout all those years from being a teenager into becoming a young adult, I was training with someone. I was always in a gym, always working out, and I loved it, loved the passion; it was just my happy place,” said Tate. “Then, I was fortunate enough to meet Adam about seven years ago. A year and a half ago he asked me if I wanted to go in it with him, so we found the spot here in Montclair and we both are now co-owners. We have been really lucky, and it’s been a steady incline since we opened up.”

As for age, Intrepid Gym sees clients as young as 12 year old and as old as 53 years. “We’ve had people that have never set foot in a gym before and this is their first time, and they can handle it because we scale everything they need to fit their fitness level.  We’ve also had an NFL athlete come to our spot in Hoboken, so we’ve had that variety that’s just off the wall,” Tate explained.

Intrepid Gym has many options for those who like specific workouts, if you want to use the bar bells, you can take their hit classes. If you want to do more body weight, circuit training is for you. If you are more of a boot camp type, you can take the more high-intensity cardio classes where it’s 30 minutes of moving.

Their membership varies anywhere from $105 to $125 a month, depending on your commitment. They even give 20% off to all students and any military, policemen or fire fighters. You can also expect an exciting competition coming up at one of their gym locations towards the end of April. To find out more information about Intrepid Gym Montclair, visit their website, and follow them on Instagram @intrepidmontclair.

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