MPD Against Drunk Driving

The Montclair Police Department (MPD) was recently awarded a grant to help put an end to drunk driving. Temporary fun is not worth dying for.

Montclair Police Department (MPD) awarded grant.

Drunk Driving
© Oleg Dudko | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The first rule always given in high school driver’s ed is “drive sober, or get pulled over.” Billions of billboards will remind you of this golden rule while driving down the parkway. We have seen it in the ads and on television, we are taught our whole lives about it and some of us may even have a personal experience with it. In this day in age where there are so many people on the road late at night, the media and police enforcement must continue to advertise drunk driving commercials. Drunk driving one of the vehicular causes of death among drivers in the United States. Police officers, like the ones we are fortunate to have in Montclair, prevent many deaths throughout the year. Drunk driving is very dangerous to the intoxicated and the safety of the public. As this threat is ever looming we rely on the police to keep us safe while on the road.

The Montclair Police Department (MDP)  was recently awarded a $5,000 grant in a nation wide initiative to crack down on drunk driving in the country. The actual name for this initiative is, “Drive Sober, or Get Pulled Over.” The effort will be implemented through Sept. 7 and over 100 other departments have received the same grant to supply checkpoints with officers. In total about 400 police departments will be participating in this initiative to put an end to drunk driving.

The timing of this initiative could not have occurred at a better date with Labor Day coming up and the anticipation of a high volume of traffic coming our way. With this weekend being notorious for drunk driving incidents, the police plan on reducing these incidents and save some lives. Labor Day weekend is notorious for drinking and late nights.

If keeping your family and others safe isn’t a good enough incentive for you not to get behind the wheel drunk then just the penalties of getting caught will. Getting caught and charged with a DWI carries up to $500 in fines, 30 days in jail, one year suspension on your driver’s license and additional court cost. If you are caught more than once then the penalties could be worse and more strict. Getting behind the wheel could cost you a lot more than these fines.

So please for your love ones and the people around, drive safe and smart – especially and most importantly, drive sober. The list of the receiving police departments can be seen here at this link, on the New Jersey government website.

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