Nepal Earthquake Victims

Find out how Montclair community, including yourself, could possibly assist the Nepal victims, who encountered the tragic earthquake.

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How the Montclair community can aid Nepal.

An earthquake with the extreme magnitude of 7.8 struck the country of Nepal, killing more than 3,800 and injuring up to 7,000 on Saturday, April 25. According to CNN, this was recorded as the country’s worst natural disaster in more than 80 years. The casualty numbers are expected to rise as rescue teams search for more survivors. While these natural disasters are devastating, deadly, and unpreventable, organizations are currently working around the clock to assure no country, city, or family will have to face this tragedy alone. Montclair is halfway around the world, but there are still many ways YOU can help. Read below to get involved.

ActionAid USA is an American subset of the international organization with a goal to end world hunger. They have gathered their forces in an effort to aid Nepal. Activists are currently at the site helping to provide supplies to victims of the earthquake, but more support is always needed. For more information on how to lend a hand or to make a donation, click here.

The American Red Cross not only specializes in blood donations, but also aids in disaster relief. A recent press release states, “The American Red Cross has disaster specialists on the way to Nepal and is committing an initial $300,000 to the relief effort.” More donations are being accepted here.

Another organization includes the American Jewish World Service, which aims to recognize human rights and end poverty in the developing world. Following the disaster, they have set up an Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund, and plan to aid in long-term recovery for the thousands of people affected in Nepal and India. Click here to visit the relief fund page.

If you’re looking to take part in an organization rooted at the site of the disaster, check out Friends Service Council Nepal. According to their website, FSCN is a “not-for-profit national level non-government organization working on socio-economic development and human rights in Nepal.” They are based in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal where the earthquake hit hardest. Although this is a charity local to Nepal, you can still show support online by contacting them here and a volunteer will further assist you.

Last but not least, the enormous Unicef organization is also sending relief to Nepal. Their goal is to help impoverished children around the world. They state, “UNICEF is there for children—before, during and after a crisis.” Click here to donate.

Take advantage of the Internet and get communicating to help aid those suffering in Nepal today.

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