Sarah Silverman’s Provocative Comedy Packs the Wellmont.
Fans lined up to see one of the most controversial women in comedy: Sarah Silverman. Attendees familiar with Silverman’s stand-up topics knew what they were in for: a night full of cringe-worthy jokes with a message of feminism, religion and politics sarcastically sprinkled on top. Silverman’s stand-up makes her fans feel as if they are sitting around a kitchen table sharing personal views with a close friend. Well-known for her provocative messages, Silverman makes no apologies for living life out loud and expressing her opinions.

Opening act, Craig Pullin from the T.V. series Reno 911, delivered a mostly improvised performance. Standing at the microphone with a small piece of paper and using a shy teenager’s voice, Pullin came across as spontaneous.
Suddenly, as if off-the-cuff, Pullin switched characters, revealing that the opening act was just one of his many multiple personalities. Just when the audience thinks the real Pullin is on stage, an almost-perfect Bill Maher impersonation surprises the audience. Pullin’s act was lighthearted, and he did not take himself too seriously.
Straight from the get-go, Sarah Silverman opened with one her favorite topics: pornography. Without an apparent need for a transition, Silverman switched topics from porn to stories about her mother, while setting the tone for the rest of the night. Silverman treated the audience to a few of her well-known folksy songs, including the old favorite, “You’re Gonna Die Soon,” a song dedicated to her grandmother at the nursing home. The song complemented a night where Silverman contemplated the wonder of human existence.
Religion, pornography, politics and feminism were cleverly interwoven in her stand-up performance. Silverman spoke from the heart and laid bare her most intimate and embarrassing moments. At times, it seemed that instead of a regular comedian, Silverman was an activist who utilizes comedy to share her out-of-the-box philosophies about social issues.
Sarah Silverman made the audience laugh while delivering uncomfortable truths with an innocent and naïve smile. Politics seemed to be one of her most passionate subjects. Silverman expressed her frustration with politicians who interfere with women’s rights.
“I was not prepared for all the politics talk, but I did not mind it. I thought she was pretty funny,” said Euribiades Mota from Little Falls, NJ. “It was my first time seeing her and I would definitely see her again.”
What most people keep hidden from close acquaintances, Sarah Silverman discloses in front of a large audience. Insecurities, imperfections and awkward stories are her tools of the trade. Whether the audience agreed with her message or not, one could admire the courage it took to perform such an audacious act. Silverman’s charm disguised her hard-hitting messages, while hoping to expand people’s minds about off-limits subjects – or at least have a good laugh about it.
After performing in Montclair, Sarah Silverman heads to the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City, NJ on April 27.
Downtown Montclair was filled with excellent places to visit for a bite to eat before and after the show. Acapello, a restaurant located just around the block from the theater on Bloomfield Avenue, features authentic Italian food with a refined atmosphere. If in the mood for a coal oven pizza, Mancinni’s, also located just around the corner from the Wellmont Theater, offers one the best pizza in the area. Palazzo, another Italian restaurant in proximity to the theater, offers an intimate setting as well as carefully-crafted culinary plates.
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