Soccer Studs Led Victory for MFEE

The Soccer Studs showed dexterity and determination in each of the challenges presented to them at MFEE's Amazing Fundracer 2016 as they won first place!

Soccer Studs Led Victory for MFEE

The Soccer Studs’ teamwork was truly amazing to watch! The winners of the MFEE‘s Amazing Fundracer 2016 are no strangers to competing together. The Soccer Studs consisted of Sebi Rodriguez-Vars, a former Montclair High School soccer player, and Toure Weaver, a soccer coach at the school. The powerful duo seemed prepared for whatever the race had […]

MFEE Amazing Fundracer 2016 Review

MFEE Amazing Fundracer 2016 Review

MFEE celebrates year 25! To celebrate its 25th anniversary, Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) held an Amazing Race style event that helped to raise money for Montclair Public Schools. MFEE is a Montclair organization that raises money to help students and programs within the Montclair school district. The event was organized by Masiel Rodriguez-Vars, […]

Masiel Rodriquez-Vars and MFEE

Masiel Rodriquez-Vars, an essential piece to Montclair Fund for Excellence , has a passion for education as she created the first Amazing Fundracer 2016!

Masiel Rodriquez-Vars and MFEE

Get to know Masiel Rodriquez-Vars, Executive Director of the Montclair Fund for Excellence! The Montclair Fund for Excellence is gearing up for their Amazing Fundracer this weekend, which wouldn’t be possible without the help of Executive Director Masiel Rodriquez-Vars. Rodriquez-Vars was a board member for MFEE for several years and was working with a nonprofit […]

MFEE 2016: Friday the 13th!

In efforts to make the best of the MFEE's Amazing Fundracer 2016, a generous donor will be matching donation only on Fri. May 13th!

MFEE 2016: Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th is a lucky day for MFEE’s Amazing Fundracer 2016! MFEE is a non-profit education fund founded in 1991 to generate private funding and community support for Montclair Public Schools and to enhance the educational experience of all of Montclair’s public school students. In efforts to continue the surplus of support and the sole […]

MFEE 2016: Additional Alumni Participation

Montclair High School has seen great support for the MFEE Amazing Fundracer, including participation from many MHS alumni teams.

MFEE 2016: Additional Alumni Participation

Montclair High School Alumni teams prepare to race. Coming soon to Montclair is the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence’s annual Amazing Fundracer, taking place on May 22. The day of the race, 50 teams of two will race across Montclair on foot and by bike. Teams will compete and slowly dwindle down to a top […]

MFEE 2016: MHS Alumni Participation

Montclair High School alumni are representing their hometown in the MFEE's Amazing Fundracer 2016 on Sun. May 22!

MFEE 2016: MHS Alumni Participation

MFEE’s MHS Alumni are ready to show off their mastered skills of endurance and strong teamwork! Coming soon to Montclair is MFEE’s annual Amazing Fundracer, taking place on May 22. The day of the race, 50 teams of two will race across Montclair on foot and by bike. Teams will compete and slowly dwindle down to a top […]