Cuban Pete’s Hangs Banner to Support Black Lives Matter

Local Montclair restaurant, Cuban Pete's, Hangs Banner to Support Black Lives Matter

Cuban Pete’s Hangs Banner to Support Black Lives Matter

As protests supporting the Black Lives Matter movement spread across the country, Dominick Restaino, owner of restaurant Cuban Pete’s, felt moved to do something. “Cuba is actually 68% African descent so that is a big indication of why I put my banner up”, Restaino says. His large banner that spans the front of the restaurant […]

Equality: Help Create It

Gender equality is important, and female students at Montclair State University are following the path they want to take.

Equality: Help Create It

Gender equality in the workforce is important. In every newspaper and news television show we see these days, the topic of equal pay and employment of women in the work force occurs regularly, followed by the lawsuits that are filed because women feel unjustified in these cases. Why do you think this happens? Because women […]