Cuban Pete’s Hangs Banner to Support Black Lives Matter

Local Montclair restaurant, Cuban Pete's, Hangs Banner to Support Black Lives Matter

As protests supporting the Black Lives Matter movement spread across the country, Dominick Restaino, owner of restaurant Cuban Pete’s, felt moved to do something.

“Cuba is actually 68% African descent so that is a big indication of why I put my banner up”, Restaino says. His large banner that spans the front of the restaurant reads: “Black Lives Matter, Justice for George Floyd”.

Restaino, who is Cuban and whose wife is Costa Rican, says it is important that his message not only represents the Cuban community but also the greater Hispanic population. He mentions, “I can’t believe how much joy it has brought to so many people. People taking pictures in front of it. A woman was so appreciative, she told me I have so much courage”. Restaino put up the banner with his two friends Nathaniel Crawford and Hakim Cunningham.

Crawford, whose daughter tragically died in a police-involved car accident, felt passionate about supporting the movement and helping Restaino. Crawford says, “The conversations alone make the banner worth having as people of all races are now standing together in support of justice.”

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