Keep Calm and Avoid the College Craze

Keep Calm and Avoid the College Craze

By the end of June every year, around 650 to 700 students from Montclair High School (MHS), Montclair Kimberley Academy (MKA), and Lacordaire Academy graduate from high school, and look ahead toward college. And that number does not include Montclair students who attend high schools outside of the township, such as Seton Hall Prep, Saint […]

Montclair Kimberley Academy Unveils Green Roof Project

Montclair Kimberly Academy celebrates Earth Day with a new Green Roof Project that will benefit our Earth for years to come.

Montclair Kimberley Academy Unveils Green Roof Project

MKA goes green with Green Roof Project. Montclair Kimberley Academy celebrates Earth Day in style this year. MKA will embark on a new project this April.. The Green Roof will feature stations that will aid student’s development through research experiments and a full garden area. It will also feature a weather station that collects data from […]