Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund in Montclair

Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund provides the pathway for women to be exposed to opportunities as they realize they can be the instrument of change.

Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund in Montclair

AGFAF believes in women empowerment through education! Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (AGFAF) is a non-profit, committed to effecting social, gender and economic equality in Afghanistan. They secure scholarships and provide financial, emotional and academic support to the best and brightest young Afghans, primarily women, seeking a college education. They also support students by allowing them to […]

COPE Center Expands With Their Derby Day Celebration

Visit the Montclair Art Museum as it hosts COPE Center's annual Derby Day Celebration, in which proceed will go towards their expansion.

COPE Center Expands With Their Derby Day Celebration

COPE Center works for critical healthcare needs in Essex County. The COPE Center expands due to the high demand for treatment services related to the surging opioid addiction in Northern Jersey increases. It has secured nearly 2,000 square feet of additional space for group and individual education. The new center will be located at St. Luke’s […]

Goldfish Assassins Plan to Conquer

With the uncertainty to ensure the lives of their children's goldfishes, the Goldfish Assassins think they have what it takes to win the 2017 MFEE Fundracer.

Goldfish Assassins Plan to Conquer

There are no obstacles the Goldfish Assassins can’t overcome! The Goldfish Assassins are made of David Placek and Jaclyn Stein. Being able to support their community, gives them another reason to get on a bike and spend the day outdoors. “It’s a great cause to support Montclair’s public schools and I have a competitive spirit. For a while, I wanted to […]

EpVets Designed for Individuality

EpVets, a non-profit organization, aims to not only provide a helping hand to veterans, but primarily those who face traumatic brain injuries.

EpVets Designed for Individuality

EpVets ensures that veterans are not alone. After 9/11, traumatic brain injury has become known as the signature wound for a plethora of soldiers, sailors and airmen. They have suffered lifelong consequences such as epilepsy and other seizure conditions. Executive Director of EpVets, Andrew Epstein, felt that the Veteran Affairs were “unable to meet the demands” of many […]