Junior Prom Photos by Studio042

Junior Prom Photos by Studio042

It’s that time of year again for prom! Montclair High School’s Junior Prom was on Tues. May 24 at Mayfair Farms in West Orange. As students prepared themselves for a spectacular evening of pure fun, they had the generous donation of Studio042 Photography services. In 2015, Studio042 Photography also donated their services for Montclair High School’s […]

Jimmy Leahey: Jersey Original

Guitarist, Jimmy Leahey, performed an unbelievable performance on Jan. 22 with Dennis DeYoung and August Zadra at Wellmont Theater.

Jimmy Leahey: Jersey Original

Jimmy Leahey rocked out at the Dennis DeYoung and The Music of the Styx tour.   Jimmy Leahey proved he is a force to be reckoned with while performing with Dennis DeYoung in DeYoung’s new band on the Dennis DeYoung and The Music of the Styx tour. Leahey played lead guitar and vocals alongside August Zadra, also on lead guitar […]

Gallery of 2015: ‘Eyes on Me’

Studio042 would like to personally show their gratitude by creating a gallery to portray Montclair as a special place to live, work and have fun.

Gallery of 2015: ‘Eyes on Me’

Studio042’s latest transformation to the gallery truly captures the essence of Montclair. This summer I had the opportunity to curate my second photo gallery at Studio042. My gallery contains various photographs by Scott Kennedy, all containing the subject looking directly at the lens. Compared to my first gallery – which contained images that represented Studio042 and […]