GCII is hungry, so competitors beware!

GCIII is composed of Ian Guariglia and Brian Cunado, Social Studies teachers from Buzz Aldrin Middle School. This will be their second time participating in the event and can only hope that they will have as much fun as last year.
GCIII were active participants in the Competitive Eating Circuit, but have stepped away from it to focus on dancing and counting the columns at the Montclair Art Museum!
“We decided to get involved because it sounded like a lot of fun. Knowing the MFEE benefits our schools, we wanted to help as much as we could,” said Team GCII with much excitement.
Although the Buzz Aldrin Middle School teachers aren’t residents of the great town of Montclair, they are in the business of educating the community! Both educators have actually been teaching in this town for about 12 years now.
“I expect to have fun and win……hopefully. We both don’t ride bikes often, mental preparation is key, “Pedal through the Pain!” said Brian Cunado.
When asked if the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence should consider in investing with the proceeds from the fundraisier event, Cunado expressed that it should continue to do what they are doing, which is thinking of interesting ways to invovle the community in the education process.
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