NE Phys Ed Are Ready for a Workout

NE Phys Ed are incredibly thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to such a generous organization, the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence.

NE Phys Ed are so honored to be apart of Montclair!

NE Phys Ed
Photo courtesy of NE Phys Ed.

Nicole Beck and Alex Lesch are representing Northeast Elementary School and Buzz Aldrin Middle School Physical Education as they have registered as NE Phys Ed for the upcoming Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence‘s 2017 Fundracer! They are extremely excited to help raise money for the MFEE.

This is both of their first year teaching Physical Education in Montclair. In September, Lesch and Beck applied for a grant through the MFEE and were so thankful to be awarded the grant to purchase some new equipment for the Physical Education department and amazing kids at Northeast. That began their relationship with the MFEE and have since then been in contact with them throughout the year as the grant was processed and equipment was ordered.

“I live in Kinnelon where I taught for two years before I came onto staff at Northeast and Buzz Aldrin.  My co-worker Alex lives and grew up next door in Clifton so I’m relying on him to know more about the town as we navigate around the race. I fell in love with this beautiful town after I took a course here last year but I have to say the best thing about Montclair is the amazing kids we have had the pleasure to meet and teach. I honestly adore each and every one of our students and we are doing this race to be able to give back to them,” said Beck.

NE Phys Ed thinks the MFEE is doing a great job supporting the Montclair Public Schools and are grateful to have been one of the departments they have chosen to invest in this past year.

“I’m not sure what to expect from this race, but I might have been getting some top secret tips from another one of my co-workers at Buzz Aldrin, Mr. Santos who raced last year. I can’t share his pointers because the other teams might find out, smiled Beck.”

They have been preparing for this race all year without even knowing it. Being Physical Education teachers, allows them to play sports and work together every week so they’re excited about what ever challenge the race has in store for them. Beck CrossFit at a local CrossFit gym Brazen Athletics and Lesch keeps up his athletics in similar ways so their competitive nature will come out give us the advantage we need to win!

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