Johari Makes Cleavage Comfortable Again

Johari bans bad bras and finds a flattering fit for everyone with hard-to-find sizes in everything from lingerie to swimwear.

Johari Makes Cleavage Comfortable Again

Johari pushes up expectations for women! Johari is a unique boutique with an even more unique motto: Johari specializes in making you feel good about the skin you are in. Johari rejects beauty and body norms to create an private environment that is both comfortable and inspiring. The shop has been in business for 17 […]

Sarong: Four Versatile Styles

Tying a sarong in a wearable and fashionable manner will be discouraging no more. MD's fashion columnist Nicole Spataro shares her expert tips to tie below.

Sarong: Four Versatile Styles

You can’t go wrong with a sarong! A good cover up is hard to find. Some are too short, some are too big, and some are just downright uncomfortable. What if you had a cover up that could be whatever you wanted it to be? Enter the sarong – the new summer it piece. What makes this beach accessory […]

Swimwear from poolside to Sidewalk

Swim season is here but our busy, stylish schedules have us rushing from the pool to lunch dates and more. Learn how to master your swimwear look below.

Swimwear from poolside to Sidewalk

Swimwear from poolside to sidewalk. If you think days spent by the pool are reserved for bathing suits, think again! Summer 2015 swimwear is all about accessories. While true that neoprene fabrics, one pieces, and cutout swimwear have taken center stage these past few months, we know that no look is complete without the extra details. […]