Laugh out loud with Tom Segura’s newest comedy tour, ‘No Teeth No Entry.’

On Friday, Feb. 17 Tom Segura’s “No Teeth No Entry” tour left The Wellmont Theater echoing with laughter. As fans from around the area anxiously gathered in Montclair for the talented stand-up comedian, the audience was met with a memorable show by Segura. Without an empty seat in the venue, Segura’s energy on stage was matched with the audience’s enthusiasm.
As the crowds were pouring into the theater the anticipation grew as Segura, off stage, introduced the opening act. The humorous stand-up comedian Josh Potter kicked off the event and had the audience cheering. With a similar comedic style to Segura’s, Potter touched on personal coming of age stories that the audience guilty related to. His performance was uniquely entertaining and left the crowd hilariously stunned by his commentary on mature material.
Formerly from Cincinnati, Ohio, Segura is now taking his comedy shows across North America. Mostly known for his shows “Mostly Stories,” “Completely Normal” and now “No Teeth No Entry,” Segura has made a name for himself in the comedy world.
As Segura walked on stage, The Wellmont Theater lit up in applause for the talented comedian. No subject was off limits as Segura maintained his witty and absurd style of comedy. Segura’s amusing perspective of the world is the reason for his rising popularity. From his weight loss to social, political and cultural topics, fans are able to enjoy Segura’s distinctive approach to comedy.
A few dedicated fans, like Joe and Danny Martinez, were eager to see Segura’s live show. “I’m really excited, he’s got a strong appeal. We also love his group of friends like Joe Rogan,” said Joe.
Longtime fans were able to catch some of Segura’s references to past stand-up comedy shows and newer fans were able to appreciate the comedian’s infamous material. An unforgettable story during Friday’s show was a mention to an elevator scenario. The joke played off of one’s instant power high when deciding to hit the, “open door” or “close door” button when seeing someone else rushing to get onto the elevator. The humorous dilemma this scenario presented became memorable through Segura’s comedic commentary.
Segura is known for his raw and direct style of comedy and “No Teeth No Entry Tour” is no exception. Though hilarious, his mature material is intended for adult audiences.
Check out some of Segura’s earlier works streaming on Netflix. Segura continues his “No Teeth No Entry” tour and for further details or ticket information visit, for future events at The Wellmont Theater visit
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